About Us
In the small town known for it tulips nestled within the valley that lays between the rolling Cascade foothills and the rocky shores that line the strait of Deception Pass lives a family that helps keep magical adventures alive.
With a small army of 3D printers that the Dragon Tamers tirelessly tend to, tiny fingers that test for durability, the young hands constantly sketching, this family carefully engulfs the various clutches of dragons in the flames that bring them to life. The goal of this 4 person family and all their dragons is to help bring adventures to life for as many people as possible and to keep it alive for as long as possible through the joy of 3D printing.
For the Tamers, the printers journey started as a joke and now they help keep them running so they can continue to print all the magical wonders that one would see on their exploits in life. They also take joy in researching high quality filament that is mostly comprised of recycled items to give back to our beautiful planet and the creatures that inhabit it. Without it and those that call it home there would be far less great ventures taken.
The Tamers and their children thank all of the Dragon Adventurers that help keep the Magic alive with all the wondrous stories and experiences that they share with us and our Baby Dragons.